Monday, November 15, 2010

Weekend with the McFarlanes

Mike had two (count them, two!) softball tournaments last weekend in Lacey and Redmond, so the boys and I got to spend the weekend with the McFarlane family. Thank goodness, because from here on out, our travel plans to the Westside are sketchy at best. The next time we get to visit, there will be five McFarlanes instead of four and life will be that much more chaotic..

Not only were there four kids under four years of age under one roof, but throw in Daylight Savings to the mix and it is a recipe for disaster. Thankfully, all of our kids decided not to totally boycott sleep, so everything went fairly smoothly. Except for one ER visit, but that's another story..

Emilie and I took three of the four kids to the Children's Museum on Saturday and had a blast, especially getting to see the bizarre cultural festival going on in Seattle Center. Weird smells and weird noises were everywhere! Anyway, on to the museum..

Mom and Cole (possibly the only picture in existence)

Gabe would have happily drove this bus the entire time

Checking out the mailbox at Clifford's house

Camping with Della

The giant pumpkin. And the black eye..

The times we weren't in the bus, we were here. Going back and forth..

Gabe passing on his love of TV..

Mike reading to Charlie and Gabe while Della and her parents were at the emergency room, getting her poor little elbow popped back into place.

Seriously, these are the only pictures I have. I was lucky that I even found my camera this many times over the course of the weekend. Thanks for letting us stay and crazy up your house a little, Brett and Emilie!


lynn said...

Cute pictures! I can only see Dellas "back" though (ha!). I know you had fun - and what a great place to take the kids to ~~ The Childrens Museum!!! I'm glad Della is back to feeling normal again!
Love ya!! Mom